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Student Placement Opportunities with LCHS

To apply for student placement with LCHS click the apply now button within the student placement opportunity you wish to apply for (if you wish to apply for student placement in more than one directorate you will need to submit an application for each directorate).

You will need to complete a short application form as well as upload copies of the placement prerequisites, these include the following: 

  • Current Resume 
  • Cover Letter
  • Police Check
  • Academic Transcript

As well as complete a pre-recorded video interview telling us why you would like to complete placement with LCHS. 

If you have any questions in regards to the student placement program, or have already been allocated a student placement with LCHS please email student placements at PERU@lchs.com.au 

Click on the links below for more information about the types of placements we have available in each of our directorates.